California dreamin’: Fil-Am Mark Pulido is mayor of Cerritos City in Los Angeles
Filipino-American Mark Pulido is mayor of Cerritos City in Los Angeles County, California. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO
LOS ANGELES—Cerritos, an ethnically diverse, affluent city in Los Angeles County, California, has a new mayor—Filipino-American Mark Pulido.
Pulido previously served as mayor pro tem, was unanimously selected as mayor during a city council meeting on Wednesday (Thursday in Manila). He will serve a one-year term.
Pulido is the first Fil-Am to become mayor of the city.
“I am honored, humbled and grateful for this wonderful opportunity to serve and give back in a deeply meaningful way to my hometown of 42 years,” Pulido said in his first remarks as mayor. “I renew my commitment to serve you and to keep Cerritos moving forward.”
He was elected to the council in 2011, drawing the most votes ever recorded in the city’s election history. He is also the first Fil-Am on the city council. His term will expire in 2015.
Pulido serves on several city committees, including parks and recreation, performing arts, personnel and county health department and health insurance.
He is also the district director for Congressman Alan Lowenthal (D-Long Beach). He served as a legislative consultant with the California State Assembly in the Los Angeles offices of Assembly Speakers Robert M. Hertzberg, Herb J. Wesson Jr. and Fabian Núñez. Pulido was a three-term ABC Unified School District board member, serving from 2001 to 2011.
Pulido was recently honored with the prestigious Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies (APAICS) Trailblazer Award for his achievements in public service. As an awardee, Pulido attended a private meeting with US President Barack Obama and several members of Congress.
He received his bachelor’s degree in history and Asian American studies from the University of California, Los Angeles, where he served as student body president. He received his master’s degree in public policy from the University of Chicago as a Woodrow Wilson National Fellow.
Cerritos, incorporated in 1956, is one of the gateway cities of southeast Los Angeles. Filipinos make up about 15 percent of the city’s population, according to the latest census.
Los Angeles County has become a showcase of emerging Filipino empowerment, with Pulido and other Fil-Ams holding the reins of power in city governments.
Other Fil-Ams in top elected posts in LA County include Walnut City Mayor Antonio Cartagena, Carson City Mayor Pro Tem Elito Santarina, Duarte City Mayor Pro Tem Tzeitel Paras-Caracci and Bellflower City Mayor Pro Tem Sonny Santa Ines.
Pulido and his wife, Gloria, have two children, Malia and Mark Jr.
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