California senator, college to hold ‘Cash for College’ workshop
SACRAMENTO, California—State Senator Jerry Hill and Foothill College will host a free “Cash for College” financial aid workshop from 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 1, at Foothill’s Middlefield Campus in Palo Alto.
The workshop in Building I on campus at 4000 Middlefield Road is for students who need cash for college and their parents or their guardians are encouraged.
It is geared toward high school and college students who plan to attend or currently attend a California community college, California State University campus, University of California campus, private university or a vocational or technical school.
To apply for a Cal Grant and other financial aid and get help completing an application from financial aid professionals, students and parents must complete an application for student aid.
Those who would like help in completing an application must bring any of the following items that apply to them to the workshop on Feb. 1.
• Student’s Social Security card and driver’s license (or government issued ID)
• Parent or guardian’s Social Security card
• If not a US citizen, bring alien registration card; if you do not have an AR card, come as you may qualify for California Dream Act financial aid
• Parent’s federal income tax return, current w-2 forms or other records of income
• Records of untaxed income such as TANF, veteran’s benefits, Social Security benefits
• Student’s w-2 forms, pay records or other records of income earned
• Bank account records or bank statements
• Records of stocks, bonds or investments
• Business and farm records
• If you know the colleges you are interested in attending, bring a list
For more information or to RSVP call Senator Hill’s District Office at (650) 212-3313. Walk-ins welcome, but RSVPs encouraged.