Survey: Filipinos in U.S. see PH schooling as key to success
U.S. Department of Labor officials with Philippine Consular officials in San Francisco explaining the rights of Filipinos in the U.S. workforce where they easily integrate but could meet certain work-related problems. INQUIRER FILE
SAN FRANCISCO–Filipinos in the U.S. consider “education” combined with the Filipino culture’s emphasis on it as the #1 way to get ahead in the workforce, according to a recent survey of Filipinos who send money to their families in the Philippines.
Filipinos in North America credit their Philippine education with opening doors for them and a slight majority found they didn’t need any additional education to obtain their new jobs.
The survey was conducted by Transfast, which asked “What’s the #1 factor that determines success in the U.S. workforce?”
Transfast’s “Working in America: Education Edition” survey highlights include:
- 69 percent said their Philippine education opened doors for them in the U.S. job market
- 44 percent said they required additional education in the U.S. to work in their field, while 56 percent said they did not.
- 85 percent strongly agree that the Filipino culture puts a premium on education
- 57 percent would get a degree in the same field again
- Of the 38 percent who would pursue a degree in a different field:
- 35 percent said they would choose the medical and health professions
- 15 percent would choose computer sciences
- 12 percent would choose business
- Of the 38 percent who would pursue a degree in a different field:
- Reasons for choosing a different field include “more job opportunities,” “better salary,” and “more suited to my skills and interests.”
- 62 percent think that “healthcare practitioners and technical occupations” paid the best in the U.S. for the education required
“People who come to the U.S. for work are playing vital economic roles by both contributing to the U.S. economy while also adding to the GDP of their home country by sending money home to family and friends,” says Samish Kumar, Transfast’s CEO.
“This survey shows that our customers value education and are using theirs to contribute to both the U.S. and Philippine economies.”
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