On pullout of peacekeepers: Safety of PH troops paramount, AFP says
Philippine military chief Gen. Gregorio Pio Catapang answers questions from reporters about the situation of Filipino peacekeepers in Golan Heights, during a press conference at Camp Aguinaldo military headquarters in suburban Quezon city, Philippines on Sunday Aug. 31, 2014. AP
MANILA, Philippines- Amid the gallant stand of the Filipino peacekeepers against the rebels in Golan Heights, the Armed Forces of the Philippines on Monday said that the safety of the troops is always paramount in every situation.
In a video conference with the Philippine contingent in Golan Heights, General Gregorio Pio Catapang, AFP Chief of Staff, admitted that while the retreat of the 40 peacekeepers may affect the relations between the Philippine military and the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force, the safety of the troops would prevail.
“It can affect the relations, but they should understand that the safety of our soldiers prevails above else,” Catapang said. “During the rules of engagement, our national policy prevails.”
He added that Major General Iqbal Singh Singha, UNDOF Commander, should be investigated after his indecisions during the attack of the Syrian rebels who took hostage 400 members of the Fijian peacekeepers in the Syrian side of the Golan Heights.
“The UNDOF commander was very indecisive, he wants to save the Fijians at the expense of the Filipinos,” Catapang said. “He wants the Filipinos to surrender their firearms.”
“We do not surrender our firearms, it’s more than just a symbol, it’s our honor.”
Colonel Roberto Ancan, AFP Peacekeeping Operations Center Chief, seconded Catapang, saying that the national interest would always prevail over any situation.
“We can do that as a troop contributing country our national interest would always prevail over the situation,” Ancan said. “We can take order from our national government and the capital.”
After the 40-strong Filipino troops held off the Syrian rebels in a seven-hour firefight, the men from the 80th Infantry Battalion managed to go on the “greatest escape” leaving behind the sleeping Syrians in Position 68.
Catapang said that one of Signha’s indecisive moments was during the proposed surrender of the Filipino firearms—a surrender that would have put the Filipinos as expendable pawns for the Fijian escape.
He added that the unarmed Filipinos should have just waved the white flag when Syrian rebels harassed them if they surrendered their firearms.
Ancan said that the firearms are just as vital as the troops’ blue peacekeeper helmets and that it is their duty to protect them at all costs.
Going with the national policy, the Filipino soldiers, Catapang said, decided they should escape to Position 80 which was near to the Israeli side of the Golan Heights.
“They made the decision, and we here in the headquarters supported them,” Catapang said.
Filipino peacekeepers pull off ‘greatest escape’ from Syrian rebels