A tribute to Philippine Independence Day

Independence—what does it mean to a teenager like me?  A young person still trying to find her voice, still learning how the world works, so someday, she can eventually find her place in it.  As I build my skills, learn my lessons, make my mistakes and make my amends, what does independence really mean to me?

The dictionary describes it as a state of self-sufficiency, freedom, individualism, self-rule.  Now that I am seventeen, I am expected to do more things on my own, decide for myself, rely on my head to make the right choices which I know my parents hope will be inspired by values they have instilled in me.  I know that they still keep an eye-out….

I have learned that independence goes hand-in-hand with responsibility.  If I fail to consider my actions carefully, I may just lose some of the independence that I have gained.  I have to prove that I am capable of acknowledging and accepting the consequences of my actions and decisions too.  Although my life right now seems to be brimming with opportunities for liberty and freedom … and I have worked hard to earn certain rights of passage, I am not completely anxiety free considering the new freedoms bestowed on me.

It is at times terrifying to think of striking out on my own in the not too distant future, to lose that dependency, and leave behind so many old familiar things in exchange for new adventures and experiences.  To me, independence requires a leap of faith; the willingness to acknowledge that I do not know everything, and the willingness to fail and try again when plans do not succeed!

As odd as it may seem, my Independence Day tribute is less about freedom and striking out on one’s own, than it is about the steps leading up to true self-sufficiency. As a young person, it is my responsibility to benefit from the guidance of my parents and those people who truly care about me, if ever I am going to be prepared for the real world. On June 12th, the Filipinos around the globe will remember and celebrate the Philippine Independence Day to acknowledge its fight for its own identity, and for freedom.

And as we teenagers sit there, thinking about our own claims to individualism and independence at the same time, as we try to stretch our wings and take to the skies, amid a whirl of new sensations and impressions, we do have great responsibility to learn from our elders who cared enough to fight for our future.  We have an obligation, a responsibility to promote, protect, and honor what our forefathers fought for—a democratic, independent way of life!