NaFFAA slams GOP senator for Death March comparison


WASHINGTON, DC—The National Federation of Filipino American Associations through its chair Ed Navarra, criticized as “revolting” Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz comparison of his less than 24 hours of filibustering against the Affordable Care Act to the Bataan Death March.

Cruz last week was going through the motions of filibustering to keep the Senate from stripping language from a House-approved spending bill that would defund the health care law when he compared his action to the Death March.

More than 10,000 Filipino and American prisoners of war died, and many thousands more were tortured and abused during weeks of inhumane treatment by the Japanese Imperial Army.

“The Senator’s remarks are revolting and they dishonor the memory of our nation’s veterans who fought bravely for this country so that Americans, like Sen. Ted Cruz, can enjoy the blessings of freedom and democracy,” Navarra stated.

Navarra said Cruz owes the Filipino World War II veterans an apology. “Many of these aging heroes, who are in their late 80s and early 90s, are still waiting for their rightful benefits. More than 4,000 have submitted appeals to the Veterans Administration after their claims were rejected because their wartime service could not be authenticated,” he explained.

There are currently 11 bills pending in the House intended to address this issue, which is related to the Filipino Veterans Equity Compensation (FVEC) Fund.

“Cruz should support these measures as they would restore honor, dignity and justice for Filipino veterans, and not use their horrifying plight to promote his own agenda.”