Non-profit child group head faces child pornography raps

SAN FRANCISCO, California—A director of a non-profit organization here that works with children was charged with possession of child pornography, the Federal Bureau of Investigation said.

Anthony Josef Norris, 46, of San Francisco turned himself in to FBI agents Thurdsay after he was charged in a federal criminal complaint, said Special Agent in Charge Stephanie Douglas of the FBI’s San Francisco Field Office.

Norris is the founder and serves as the director of Kid Serve, an organization that offers art instruction to children through the Bay Area.

In a complaint filed on May 26  in US District Court in the Northern District of California, Norris was accused of possessing pornographic images of children.

On April 26, agents executed a search warrant on Norris’ residence and a forensic review of his personal computer revealed files containing child pornography.

Norris appeared Thursday morning in the US District Court in San Francisco and was released after posting a $200,000 bond.

The maximum statutory sentence for possession of child pornography is 10 years in prison.