ACCESS MCLE upholds commitment to offer the most interesting MCLE courses

When it comes to providing the best and most in-demand programs for mandatory continuing legal education (MCLE) in the country, ACCESS MCLE continues to be the leader. The legal education provider has always been ahead of the league, setting the standard with the commitment to keep Filipino lawyers abreast of the changing legal landscape. 


“By providing interesting courses with thought-provoking topics that are conversation starters, ACCESS is continuously persuading our practicing legal professionals to comply with the MCLE requirement,” says Atty. Peaches Martinez-Aranas, Co-Founder of ACCESS MCLE. 

“We always offer new courses with new topics that are available only from ACCESS. It is not unusual for speakers of different providers to lecture on exactly the same topic across various providers. But in ACCESS, we make sure all our topics are unique and carefully curated, meticulously written by our seasoned lecturers specifically and exclusively for ACCESS learners,” she added.

Equally interesting learning tools

To further build interest in its curated and timely topics, ACCESS has pioneered in using the most effective learning aids when conducting MCLE lectures, whether in face-to-face (classroom) or online setup. 

“We also make sure that our courses are presented with interesting animation and fun gamification to take learning to another level,” says Atty. Martinez-Aranas. “Such materials boost engagement and retention during lectures, making MCLE more enjoyable for lawyers across all ages.”

ACCESS MCLE has tapped the expertise of e-learning solutions provider Jump Interactions to guarantee flexibility especially when producing on-demand or online lectures, which are currently the more in-demand option for taking MCLE among Filipino lawyers due to its convenience and cost effectiveness. 

Thus, ACCESS is considered an innovator and trend-setter in its industry. It has introduced the use of creativity in learning, which complements its strategic approach when developing courses on topics that are attuned with the ever-changing society and environment. 

Tapping legal luminaries as lecturers

ACCESS MCLE is also known for bringing the country’s legal luminaries to convey topics in their respective areas of expertise that would interest and engage learners. Every compliance period, ACCESS introduces new topics to further widen the options for local legal practitioners. 

Some of the most interesting and timely courses offered during the 8th Compliance Period are ‘Exploring the Right to Have a Good and Dignified Death’ by Atty. Neil Anthony Borja, ‘Impugning Filiation: Is the Child Yours?’ by Atty. Katrina Legarda, ‘Food Adequacy as a Demandable Right’ by Atty. Karlo Alexei Nograles, and ‘Reproductive Health as a Basic Human Right of Filipino Women’ by Atty. Joan de Venecia-Fabul, among others. 

“ACCESS is committed to constantly bringing more choices in courses, along with higher level of animation and gamification as well as improvement on all aspects of course design and delivery. We are known for always leveling up MCLE in the country and we’ll keep it that way,” Atty. Martinez-Aranas concludes. 

All three modes or platforms for learning are currently available for MCLE learners at ACCESS—face-to-face sessions are for those preferring to take traditional classroom-style learning, while online synchronous sessions are facilitated online via Zoom for real-time lectures and online asynchronous sessions use videos on-demand to conveniently and creatively present topics or lessons. 

To learn more about ACCESS MCLE and its programs, visit


This article is brought to you by ACCESS.