East-West Seed enters Fortune’s 2024 ‘Change The World’ list

East-West Seed is proud to announce its inclusion in Fortune magazine’s 2024  Change the World list, highlighting global companies that are ‘doing well by doing good.’ First listed  in 2020, this marks the second time East-West Seed has made it into the ranking in five years. East West Seed is honored to be recognised for its positive impact on the livelihoods of vegetable farmers  living in tropical regions. 

“Being named on Fortune’s Change the World 2024 list is a great honor that reinforces our mission  as a company to continue providing quality seeds and transferring knowledge to farmers through our  Foundation, serving the lives of those who are the backbone of our food systems.” – JC Filippi, CEO  of East-West Seed. 

Since the company was established 1982, driven by its mission to enhance farmers’ livelihoods, East West Seed has established a business model focused on the needs of farmers; developing and offering  high-quality tropical vegetable seeds, while training farmers on sustainable and profitable farming  techniques for better income, and helping them recognize the benefits of improved seed varieties. As  such, East-West Seed has consistently ranked in the top #3 of the Access to Seeds Index in Asia and  Africa. In 2019, Simon Groot, founder of East-West Seed, was honored with the World Food Prize. Please check our corporate video: https://youtu.be/r2OtnzH5N9s 

Who We Are 

East-West Seed, a Dutch family-owned company based in the Netherlands and its headquarters  inThailand, specializes in breeding, producing, and distributing top-quality tropical vegetable seeds.  Its mission is to provide locally adapted seeds and innovative farming practices to help farmers  improve crops, yields, and income. With over 2,800 employees, 22 R&D centers in 9 countries,  exports to 80+ countries, and knowledge programs in 11 countries, the company has supported  millions of farmers globally.

Our Impact 

In 2015, East-West Seed Knowledge Transfer Foundation (EWS-KT) was established to improve the  production and business skills of smallholder farmers, with the aim of enhancing their livelihoods.  Today, the Foundation reaches over 150,000 farmers annually in Africa and Asia and is on track to  train more than 1 million farmers by 2025, with 50% of farmers being women and 40% youth. To  date, a total of 840,000 farmers have benefited from Knowledge Transfer’s training programs. 

In addition, the GrowHow digital platform, developed by EWS-KT, is part of an ongoing strategy to  provide accessible learning resources for farmers, trainers, and agro-input dealers. This digital  engagement aligns with the Foundation’s broader mission to utilize technology for effective farmer  training, having reached over 41,000 people through GrowHow, more than 3 million via local radio  programs, and more than 21 million through informative Facebook posts in the last year alone. 

Through EWS-KT Foundation, East-West Seed company is more committed than ever to reaching  more farmers globally and giving them access to good quality seeds of improved vegetable varieties,  hand-in-hand with capacity training that can increase their productivity and income while improving  the availability of nutritious food for a growing population. 

About the Change the World List 

The Change the World list recognizes companies that have had a positive social impact through  activities integral to their core business strategy. Selection criteria include: 

Measurable social impact: Assessing the reach, nature, and durability of the company’s impact on  specific societal problems. 

Business results: Evaluating the benefits the socially impactful work brings to the company, including  profitability and shareholder value. 

Degree of innovation: Considering how innovative the company’s efforts are relative to others in the  industry and whether it has influenced peers.