Stranded Filipino seaman wins ‘Seafarer of the Year’ award

Zaude Bandivas (right) was stranded in port for two years without steady earnings, while waiting for the result of a contract mediation. ANGELAPPEAL PHOTO

SAN FRANCISCO–For his bravery in spending two and half years abandoned in port, Filipino seafarer Zaude Paolo Bandivas has been named “Seafarer of the Year” by the Lloyd’s List Middle East and Indian Subcontinent Awards. Bandivas was awarded last moth at the Armani Hotel Dubai.

The Seafarer of the Year Award recognizes skill, bravery and professionalism displayed on a daily basis. The award celebrates instances of leadership, courage and vision while serving at sea. It is a recognition of seafarers whose tireless dedication is essential for the maritime industry.

As an able bodied seaman, Bandivas was on an anti-piracy vessel in the Middle East that the owner abandoned and left him stranded. He and a fellow crew member were left unpaid and often without supplies for a number of months, according to report by the Hellenic Shipping News.

A long contractual dispute and mediation followed for two and a half years before he was repatriated. The successful process was due largely to the work of The Mission to Seafarers.

The Mission visited Bandivas regularly and provided supplies and subsistence finance. Other ships in the local port also took him under their wing, as there was no air conditioning or power for cooking, in over 50 degree heat. He joined neighboring vessel crews for meals and essential company through these long dark days.

The Rev. Dr. Burt lauded Bandivas’ patience, calm and belief that with careful negotiations, he would be able to secure the pay he was in desperate need of, and get home safely.

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