Filipino pride, Santacruzan festivity in Vegas this weekend


The colorful booth of Kalahi Folkloric Ensemble was judged best both last in the annual Pinoy Pride festival in Las Vegas. PHOTO BY KALAHI

LAS VEGAS – A three-day celebration of Philippine culture and traditions will get under way this weekend in downtown. Dubbed Pinoy Pride 2015, the event will feature food booths, performances of celebrities from Manila and a Santacruzan to cap the festivities.

Among the celebrities are movie stars Kim Chui and Xian Lim, who will perform on Saturday, April 4.

A Hawaiian-style feast, featuring reggae bands and music, called Aloha Friday, ushers in the event at 11:00 a.m. Friday, April 3 on Third Street in downtown.

General admission on Saturday when celebrities will perform is $15 and $12 for seniors. On Friday, admission fee in $10 and $8 for seniors. Sunday has free admission.

The annual Pinoy Pride fest is a cultural event that showcases the rich history and culture of the Philippines.

Featured are various food from different provinces, retail, and informational booths, as well as carnival rides and games.

Locally based artists, comedians, dance groups, and musical groups perform each night at the festival, complementing the guests from Manila.