SAN FRANCISCO – A free US citizenship workshop, including fee waiver assistance, will be held on Saturday, December 6 at the University of San Francisco for the benefit of eligible immigrants.
The workshop will take place 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at USF’s McLaren Conference Complex, 2130 (buses 5 Fulton or 31 Balboa). No appointment is necessary to participate.
The event is sponsored by San Francisco Interfaith Council and USF. It is part of the San Francisco Pathways to Citizenship Initiative and the New Americans Campaign.
The workshop features a step-by-step review of the naturalization process, assessment of eligibility to naturalize, application preparation and documentation, packaging if eligible to naturalize, application review by an immigration attorney or qualified legal representative and accessing community resources (resource tables).
Participants should bring the following:
- Green card and all current and expired passports
- Two (2) passport-style photos
- List of addresses, work and schooling (last 5 years)
- List of trips and dates outside the U.S. (last 5 years)
- Information of your current spouse, ALL prior marriages for you and your spouse, and ALL your children (name, address, date/place of birth, date/place of marriage, SSN, immigration status and A#, if any)
- If you have been arrested: Bring ALL arrest and court documents, even for dropped charges and expunged records
- Application Filing Fee: Check or Money Order for $680.00 made out to “US Department of Homeland Security” (if 75 or older, the fee is $595), UNLESS you qualify for a fee waiver*
- *Fee Waivers: If you cannot afford the filing fee, you may qualify for a fee waiver. You must bring documents such as pay stubs, 2013 tax return (and W2’s), and/or recent written proof that you receive public benefits, like SSI, Medi-Cal, food stamps, WIC, CalWorks, cash aid, general assistance, etc.
- Men only: If you were living in the U.S. between ages of 18 and 26, please bring evidence of Selective Service registration if you have it. You may verify registration at, or (888) 655-1825.
For more information: 415 662-8901;