Hawaii’s FilCom to honor community’s pillars

HONOLULU, Hawaii – A gala dinner timed for Filipino American History Month will be hosted by the Filipino Community Center (FilCom Center) on Saturday, October 25, at Sheraton Waikiki Hotel.

The center’s 12th annual “Bayanihan Gala Dinner” will benefit its educational, cultural and social programs as well as celebrate over a century of contributions of Filipino-Americans to Hawai’i and the United States.

In keeping with the bayanihan spirit, the center will pay tribute to the following luminaries for their lifetime achievements:

Justice Mario Ramil, former Supreme Court Justice and  community advocate who will be introduced by Governor John Waihee, who appointed him.

Maria A. F. Etrata, philanthropist and community servant who will introduced by Mayor Kirk Caldwell.

Justice Simeon Acoba, retiring Supreme Court Justice and educator, who will be introduced by appointing Governor Ben Cayetano.

For more information contact: Rosemarie V. Mendoza, Committee Chair (808) 371-3902/rmendoza808@aol.com; Joanne Corpuz, Event Coordinator (808) 382 5092/joanne@filcom.org; Arceli Rebollido (808) 680-0451/arceli@filcom.org


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